Cluster Headaches

September 28, 2009

There seems to be some proof that cluster headaches can be caused by the loss of melatonin in the system. You lose your melatonin through urination. If you do indeed need to supplement melatonin, you need to be very careful of the brand. Some melatonin brands will cause you to have night mares. One great thing about Nature’s Sunshine’s Melatonin Extra® (3 mg) (60 caps) brand is that it is tested and is a pure product that will not have these side effects. BUT because Cluster headaches are tricky, you should be seen by a naturopathic doctor or ask your doctor to check for melatonin levels. The hypothalamus, which is a portion of your brain and controls your body’s cycles (sleep, wakefulness), fatigue, body temperature, hunger, thirst and many more functions of the body, can be malfunctioning and sending melatonin out of your body through your urinary tract. This is more common in men but is also seen in perimenopausal (late 30s to 40s) or menopausal women. These headaches are not limited to just these age groups.

This is just a basic outline about Cluster Headaches. For more information, herbal suggestions, diet guidelines and other suggestions, please look under the Various Illness Tab.

Weight Loss/Nutrition

September 18, 2009

Weight Loss the Healthy Way

A quick blurb from me……

Welcome to the world of weight loss. Starving yourself does not work. Cutting back on calories and exercising is the only sure way but that can be so boring and we all need help. Everyone has different needs but we need to be properly nourished too.

Let’s take a look at weight loss in a new way. It takes time to find the right products and sometimes it takes trying some new things. Some folks say that taking Acai in pill or juice form really helped them lose the weight while others found it did not help at all and then there are the ones like me that it helped for awhile and then stopped. A friend of mine has done an amazing job at losing weight. She had a lot to lose and still has more to go. She is at one of the hard places where she looks so much better and feels great but she still has the road in front of her that seems endless. What she does that keeps working, is that she has friends that encourage her, she changes her exercise regime, changes her foods, finds healthy recipes, tracks her calories, sets attainable goals, and when she fails she forgives herself. She is not someone that is different from you and I. My friend has just found ways that work for her. We all have our shortcomings but we have to be determined.

If you do not have someone to encourage you, a household of people that love junk food, you are not able to be mobile, then I will be there for you. I have some ideas that I have gleaned from my friend, exercises while sitting, and a company that has pure products with several choices. I need to lose weight too and I have a back problem that has developed that doctor’s, chiropractors, and massage therapists cannot seem to get to the bottom of. Losing weight will help my back. So we can do this together. I am going to set up a special blog for my family, friends and customers, so we can help each other.

Click on the Weight Loss and Nutrition tab above for full information.

To shop or view my complete website of products, please click on the link below.



September 11, 2009

Do you have a sluggish Thyroid? And how can you tell?

Starting at the top. There are some questions I have before I make some suggestions.

Do you tire easily? Do you get tired if you sit too long or if the room is warm?

Is your hair knotted especially at the neck?

Is your skin flaking, dry to the touch?

Do the front of your lower legs itch?

When you gain weight, is it around your middle?

Are you losing your hair? Are your eyebrows thinning?

Does your blood work suggest that your thyroid is starting to decline?

If most of those answers are yes, then you aren’t getting enough to feed your thyroid. We do have  products that support the thyroid and pituitary gland. These are two glands that work together. If you feed just the thyroid, you will still have a stressed pituitary. You need to feed your thyroid and pituitary a lot in the beginning to get these glands back on track. When I started taking the Target TS II, my blood tests showed I had no thyroid problem at all but I was losing my hair, gaining weight, my legs were itching, and had dry, knotted hair.

To read up on all the products we have for feeding the thyroid and pitutary, go to the Various Illnesses tab and click on that. Scroll down and you will find the heading. Also, if you want to view my whole website of products, click on the site below.
