It is Time for B Vitamins!

February 1, 2014

Spring is coming on fast and it is time to beef up on the B Vitamins. 
Every cell in your body needs B vitamins and with folks cutting back on eating beef, it is harder to eat enough foods to get all the B’s we need.
The reason for B Vitamins in the Springtime is to ward off ticks and mosquitoes. They do not like the smell on your skin and it helps to prevent them from biting you! 
When I lived on a ranch, every Spring our mom gave us B Vitamins. She had us take it through Fall. It takes several weeks to really get into your system and work, so early Spring is when we started. We would find ticks on us but they did not bite us. We were extra careful because our dad was bit by two ticks at the same time and we almost lost him to Lyme disease. It was caught in time but he was very ill for awhile. He was hospitalized and given massive antibiotics. I am glad to say he is hale and hearty at age 91!
Here are some of the benefits for taking B’s :
  • Promotes cell growth and division
  • Maintains healthy skin and muscle tone
  • Supports and increases the rate of metabolism
  • Enhances immune and nervous system function
  • Eases stress 
  • Improves mood
  • Am finding that they may be very helpful in removing pain from the body when medications are not working and there are no side effects. 
  • I have seen it improve sleep  patterns when combined with magnesium.

For me, I find that taking B 12 at night gives me too much energy, so I take most of my B’s with breakfast. Taking with food  helps to prevent stomach upset. I do have friends that take B’s at night and sleep peacefully. We are all different. B’s do work best if taken with a calcium source.

B6 and B12 are purported to be natural antibiotics. They are supposed to enhance the immune system and with Spring also comes viruses and the flu. So it is time to start taking them and I believe they should be taken all year.

Time to take your B’s!